Sample Sidebar Module

This is a sample module published to the sidebar_top position, using the -sidebar module class suffix. There is also a sidebar_bottom position below the menu.

Sample Sidebar Module

This is a sample module published to the sidebar_bottom position, using the -sidebar module class suffix. There is also a sidebar_top position below the search.

UTM students realise that there is nothing better than emerging themselves in a foreign setting to personally experience cultural challenges. Since the first pioneers set their footsteps overseas in academic year 2000/01, our students have pursued valuable overseas study experiences in Australia, Austria, Canada, Chinese Taiwan, Denmark, Japan, Finland, France, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland, South Korea, the Netherlands, United Kingdom, and the United States of America and more. 要豐富異地文化經歷,沒有甚麽比親身感受更為凑效。澳門旅遊大學學生深明這道理,並自2000/01學年開始參與交換生計劃,遠赴他鄉學習和體驗,足跡遍佈澳洲、奧地利、加拿大、中國臺灣、丹麥、日本、芬蘭、法國、葡國、瑞典、瑞士、南韓、荷蘭、英國、美國等多個地方。

“Thanks to exchange program, I was able to be exposed to different culture and study environment, which helped to enrich my life and lead to some new enlightment about my future. It was such an unforgettable and unique memory!”

(Leeds Beckett University, United Kingdom 英國利茲貝克特大學)

“I appreciated that IFT has provided a platform for me to experience a different lifestyle in another country. The four-month life in the Netherlands helped me with self-growth and became more confident, meanwhile, learned to interact with different people and culture. I hope that students should catch this great opportunity if you want to experience something special during student life.”

(NHTV Breda University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands 荷蘭布列達科技應用大學​)

“As an international environment, I could share my experience with new friends from different countries. Also, I learn a lot about Austria culture and enjoy the study life here. The English speaking atmosphere push me to practice and improve my language skills a lot. This half year is the most meaningful study experience ever.”

(IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems, Austria 奧地利IMC科技應用大學)

“It is a life time experience. I did not regard it for a single day. I have learned a lot of cultural difference, knowledge and experiences that I couldn't learn in Macau. It is a very wonderful program which benefits me in numerous way.”

(Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Groningen, The Netherlands 荷蘭格羅寧根漢斯大學​)

“It was my first time to join a Halloween party and it was in European country. Before I go, I had prepared for long time and felt a bit nervous. I went there with other exchange friends. The party atmosphere was so great. Everybody dressed well and imitated different characters in movies. We rounded a circle, danced together, drank beer and sang songs. I did not expect I could make lots of good friends and adapt to them.”

(Linnaeus University, Sweden 瑞典林奈大學​)

“It's a wonderful experience to get myself into a totally new environment in the far Northern Europe. I've got lots of fun exploring Finland, meeting locals and students from other countries. Learning Finnish Language is the most interesting part as I can have a deeper understanding of the local culture and people. This is also one of the best ways to grow and adapt into a new style of living outside your comfort zone.”
“我很感恩能以交換生的身份,一個人走到芬蘭。 這裏有很多到處探索的機會,所以也能藉此與其他學生打成一片。最有趣的部分是學習芬蘭文,可以更深入了解當地文化之餘,也能讓自己學習另一種北歐悠閑的生活方式。”

(HAAGA-HELIA University of Applied Sciences, Finland 芬蘭HAAGA-HELIA科技應用大學)

“I have an honor to be an exchange student. There was a very unforgettable experience as living in the northern China. In this way that I made many new friends who came from many different places of China and other countries. I'm grateful to experience this different but friendly place. Finally, I must say that Tianjin is a very nice place whether it is human geography or weather.”

(College of Tourism and Service Management, Nankai University, PRC


“This exchange experience I could say is a chance to broaden my sight definitely. I enjoy the time discussing in class, traveling on the road and indulging in museums. After the exchange program, I can say I am more independent. I am able to see a bigger picture.”
“今次交換絕對是一次難忘的經歷, 通過這次交換, 我變得獨立了好多, 成長不少。 我享受在課堂上與美國同學源源不斷的交流, 有時可能針鋒相對,但享受的是想法互換的快樂。 我享受清潔的空氣, 蔚藍的天空,永遠不會忘記自在旅行的快樂。這次短短四個月的交換, 實在難忘。”

(University of South Carolina, United States of America 美國南卡羅萊納大學)

“It was an amazing experience for me! I had wonderful memories in Korea. I made new friends, experienced different cultures not only Korea but other exchange students' home countries. It was fabulous to join a top university in Korea! ”

(Chung-Ang University, Republic of Korea 韓國中央大學)

Global Affairs Team

Pedagogic Affairs Department


Colina de Mong-Ha Macao, China



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