The 3rd International Night

Last Updated: Saturday, 03 September 2016 10:30

The 3rd International Night


The 3rd “International Night” was successfully held by the IFT Student Union, this activity rendered assistance for freshmen and exchange students to cope with the brand new campus life and learning environment of IFT through joining IFT at the beginning of the new semester.

The Student Union of IFT is going to organize a variety of upcoming orientation activities for all freshmen and exchange students, such as O-Camp, O-Night, International Challenge Day and City Tour as well, where the word “O” stands for Orientation.

The latest program held on 7th March called “I-Night” stands for International Night, which intended to break the linguistic and cultural barrier between the local and exchange students. I-Night was an interesting soiree gala ball, provided students a precious opportunity and platform to gain the unique experience in social occasion in enhancing the interpersonal techniques and communication skills of students which was beneficial to students before devoting into career.



During the event, game booths and show performances lightened the I-Night and created an enjoyable atmosphere for our honorable guests and students. IFT always seeks for a mutually beneficial cooperation actively with well-known institutions abroad to promote international learning experience among faculty and students. Apart from the I-Night, there are various activities aiming to enrich the campus life and experience for students will also be held in coming future. The 21st Student Union has been inaugurated since January 2015, we solemnly pledges to take on the responsibilities and accountabilities of hosting life enriching activities, doing our utmost in striving for benefits for IFT students, and establishing a communication channel between the Institute and all the students.

Public Relations


Student Union of Institute for Tourism Studies

16 Mar 2015


旅遊學院學生會主辦第三屆「國際交流夜」活動在新學期的開始,旅遊學院為歡迎新一批國際交換生,旅遊學院學生會將準備了一系列的迎新活動,當中包括﹕迎新營、迎新夜、國際挑戰日和澳門一天遊;目的是讓交換生可以更快融入旅遊學院的生活。而於三月七日舉行的「國際交流夜」,以舞會形式進行 ,學生會希望藉着是次舞會,透過各種遊戲活動和表演環節,讓大家促進地域及文化上的交流,藉此打破本地生和國際學生之間在語言及文化上的隔膜。此外,該舞會亦為學生們提供一個難得的平台,讓學生們有機會體驗不同的社交場合,藉此提升學生的社交技巧,有助適應日後投身社會所需的交際技巧。旅遊學院與多間國際知名的院校已簽訂互派交換生的協議,學院每個學期都會迎接新一批的國際交換生。第二十一屆旅遊學院學生會理事會剛於二零一五年一月二十四日正式就職,本會承諾將會擔任學生與學院之間的溝通橋樑,竭力為學生爭取更多的權益及福利,讓學生能體驗更豐富的校園生活。


