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學院開放日 Open day


第二十六屆旅遊學院學生會暨屬會就職典禮 The Inauguration Ceremony of the 26th Student Union and Sub-Organization of Institute for Tourism Studies

第二十六屆旅遊學院學生會暨屬會就職典禮於一月十六日在澳門旅遊學院禮堂舉行,主禮嘉賓包括澳門旅遊學院院長 黃竹君博士、高等教育局 代副局長 陳旭偉先生、教育暨青年局 廳長 張敏輝女士、澳門旅遊學院 教務長 林寶玉女士、澳門旅遊學院 學生事務處處長 朱振榮先生、澳門旅遊學院 特級技術員 黃炎權先生、澳門專上學生體育聯會、澳門中華學生聯合總會、澳門中華新青年協會,以及各友校社團。


典禮開始由澳門旅遊學院院長 黃竹君博士致詞,繼而由旅遊學院學生會過渡委員會主席 劉浩澄小姐,最後到第二十六屆旅遊學院學生會理事長 雲藹琳小姐致詞。緊接在澳門旅遊學院院長 黃竹君博士、高等教育局 陳旭偉代副局長以及教育暨青年局 張敏輝廳長的監誓下,全體學生會幹事由會員大會主席 劉澤民、理事會理事長 雲藹琳以及 監事會主席 葉曉揚帶領宣誓。而各屬會代表在旅遊學院學生會展屬會副會長 謝鈺婷的帶領下宣誓。


旅遊學院學生會至今已經踏入第二十六個年頭。在過去,旅遊學院學生會致力為學生尋求更多福利以及為學生舉辦有意義的活動,例如 第七屆國際文化交流夜 ,旅遊學院學生會暨屬會新生招募日 ,以及 澳門知識競賽等。



第二十七屆旅遊學院學生會理事長致詞27th Student Union President's Speech

Distinguished guests,

Lecturers, Colleagues, Fellow students,

Ladies and gentlemen,


Today, I am so honored to be able to address this at the inauguration ceremony. First of all, thank you to all the guests for sparing time to attend our inauguration. Your attendance has provided great support and encouragement to our members of the Student Union.


Last year was an unfortunate year. The epidemic is severe, and people's lives are difficult. Therefore, I believe that the challenges we have to face in the new term will be more difficult. We also promise that in the coming year we will prepare ourselves well to meet different challenges.


I, as the president of the executive committee, am committed that I will try my best to strive for the most benefits for students and enrich their campus life. This year is also my first year participating as a leader in such a big team. In the coming year, I also have a lot to learn. I am very grateful to my team for giving me this opportunity. I promise I will not disappoint them.


The Student Union has been successfully operated for 26 years. By this year, despite inheriting some of the shining achievements of previous terms, we will also make some new breakthroughs. Here, I would like to take this opportunity to thank Dr. Fanny Vong, Dr. Connie Loi and Ms. Florence Ian for providing resources for us to manage the student union. I am very grateful to Mr. Antonio Chu for his long-term help in our activities, and to our student counsellors Ms. Shirley Ma, thank them for their valuable suggestions when we encountered difficulties. In addition, I would like to thank the former presidents of the Student Union, Mr. Jackson Lao, Ms. Venus Wam, and Mr. Jacky Ip for their guidance and for teaching us how to solve problems. I also thank all the members of the 25th Student Union for their dedication and contribution.


Finally, I would like to thank everyone here. Without your continuous support, the Student Union would not be able to run well. On behalf of the Student Union, I welcome all new members to join and hope that with their help, our Student Union will shine more than ever. With the testimony of all of you, I promise I will try my best to run the team, leading students to a brighter future, focusing on being a bridge between the college and students, standing up when needed and helping when needed.


Let us stand up and shine. We sincerely hope that the upcoming Student Union will be the most glorious year in history! This year is 2021. The long road journey has started. I will do my best to serve the students.


Thank You!



Expires 5/27-28/2017

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