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澳旅院師生赴貴州從江義教助人助己 IFTM’s students and faculty member visiting Guizhou Congjinag to support education

澳門旅遊學院學生會之青年卓越服務團20位學生在學院講師方興的帶領下,於2021年5月30日至6月5日赴貴州省從江縣第二民族中學,開展了第四屆志願者義教活動。志願者組織了豐富多彩的學習活動,包括: 教學影片欣賞、翻譯練習、故事分享、聽英文歌以及為電影配音,幫助從江初中學生學習英語詞彙、語法和國際音標等。

A group of 20 undergraduate students from the IFTM Volunteer Circle of Student Union, led by IFTM Lecturer Mr. Xing Fang, spent a week from 30 May to 5 June 2021 in the Mainland’s Guizhou Province to support English-language teaching at the Second National High School in Congjiang County which marked the fourth visit by the Volunteer Circle to Congjiang. The volunteers carried out a variety of activities to help students improve their English vocabulary and grammar, and to understand how to use the international phonetic alphabet. Activities for the school students included watching educational videos, performing translation exercises, engaging in storytelling, learning English-language songs and dubbing cartoon movies into English.


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